Get An Affordable Business Address in NYC

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Finding a suitable place for your small business to expand can be a real challenge. If you work from a home office, coming up with room in your budget for traditional office space and a respectable business address might not be realistic. We all know that the costs of office space in NYC are incredibly high, especially for small businesses. If there were a perfect setting for a virtual office, NYC would be it. A virtual office may be the perfect solution for your business.

What Is A Virtual Office?

A virtual office is a service that allows you to receive mail and other communication services, without traditional office space. A virtual office allows you to have a prestigious NYC business address at a very affordable price. Some basic plans can be found for under $100 per month. Additional services, such as call forwarding, a business telephone number, and many more can also be provided with a virtual office plan.

What Virtual Offices Do For You

What can a virtual office do for you and your business? A business address increases the credibility and professionalism of a small business run from a home office. If you were given a choice between two businesses, one run from a home or apartment address and the other from a prestigious NYC business address, which would you choose to do business with?

There is nothing wrong with running a business from a home office, but there are few ways to increase the professional image of your company as easily and drastically as acquiring a business address.

If you are looking for a virtual office in NYC, Workspace by Rockefeller Group has a plan and address to fit your needs. With spaces on Wall Street, Rockefeller Plaza, and 5th Avenue, you can find your ideal business address and virtual office plan.

